The minimum period of treatment is 3 months at the farm. This is compulsory as research shows this is the minimum period required for a patient to gain sobriety and get over the harmful effects of addiction. In order to reinforce this sobriety, the patient is encouraged to spend another 3 months at the Half Way House, where support and motivation is provided by other recovering addicts and a counselor.
All days are structured with some counseling, learning, rest and recreation. Every patient is given some work for the day such as cooking, cleaning, washing dishes or serving the meals.
Most staff members are graduates of the program. By hiring some of our graduates, we provide them gainful employment and this also encourages them to stay sober and remain drug free. A few of our support staff are people who have never been addicted.
We provide H.I.V. testing, counseling and education about behavioral risk reduction.
Some patients who can not afford to pay are admitted free of charge. Others pay according to the family income. Our monthly fee ranges from Rs. 7000.00 to Rs. 20,000.00 depending on the family income. It may be mentioned that some treatment centers in Karachi charge a minimum of Rs. 30,000.00 per month while others charge Rs. 30,000.00 for a 10 day package.